Published components
Digital Consignment Note/eCMR

About the Digital Consignment Note/eCMR
The consignment note for international road freight transport (CMR) has been paper-based since 1956. The result is a high administrative effort with numerous manual activities, a multitude of different formats, media disruptions and transmission errors. In this project, a service for the generation, storage and transmission of digital consignment notes in human- and machine-readable formats, taking into account established templates and international standards, was designed and implemented as a reference implementation.
The authenticity and integrity of the transport information is ensured by a digital signature, a version history that includes all changes, and the storage of the hash value in a blockchain.
During implementation, great importance is given to the use of existing standards. For example, the UN/CEFACT data standard, the CMR template of the IRU and the ECDSA signature procedure are used.
Involved people
Patrick Becker,
Maximilian Schellert,
Developer Resources
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